Technorati 태그: Tea party,San Bernardino
:: 2010 Tax! ::
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Tea Praty!
Who are they?
The name "Tea Party" is a reference to the historic Boston Tea Party of 1773, a protest by American colonists against taxation by the British government when the colonists had no representation in the British Parliament that pre-dated but laid the ground for the American Revolutionary War. Tea Party protests have sought to evoke similar images, slogans and themes to this iconic period in American history. It may also refer to the often-used acronym TEA Party, a play on a party slogan: "Taxed Enough Already." |
Dormitory in CSUSB
蓋棺事定 관의 뚜껑을 덮고서야 일이 정해진다는 데서, 시체를 관에 넣고 뚜껑을 덮은 뒤에야 비로소 그 사람이 살아 있었을 때의 가치를 알 수 있다는 것을 말함. |
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